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The final result turned out to be the following:Figure3. Our Home Alarm SystemMaterials Used: Cost:PIC16F877A 7$4X4 Keypad 2$JHD 162A LCD 6$6V Alarm Buzzer 0. 5$Key tone Buzzer 0. 5$4 MEGA Crystal Oscillator 5$3 Flashing LEDs 0. 1$18 Pico Capacitors 1$Magnetic Sensor 2$Input VoltageWires 0. 1$Breadboard 3$Total Cost: 27. 3$Process of Building:First of all the PIC:PIC is a family of Harvard architecture microcontrollers. The name PIC refers to “Peripheral Interface Controller”. They are popular with both professional developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability and large user base. The PIC has an overall of 40 pins. These pins include input/output ports such as PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD, PORTE and two Vdd ports for input voltage.